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breathe, move, and live well

Couple Doing Yoga Outdoors

Yoga is for EVERYONE

and we believe strongly

that it is life-changing.

Every journey is unique and we guide each one with individuality.


Private Yoga

One-on-one and small group bookings available.

Specializing in families that want to move together and friends who want to journey into wellness together. Sessions are tailored for you and fit the style, intensity, and level you're looking for. On location in your space or out in the natural beauty of the Cayman Islands.

Sound Healing

A complete experience of sound immersion. With the frequency and melody of a full set of Crystal Singing Bowls, you will be guided through a healing journey that speaks to very core of the soul and leaves you feeling completely renewed. Questions? Don’t hesitate to ask!


We truly believe that meditation is for everyone, and our greatest mission is to bring mindful awareness and accessible meditation to everyone, everywhere! (check out Linsey's new podcast!) It is wildly tranformative and the perfect antidote to the modern world's chaos. Meditation offerings are available in person and online.


Breathwork is an undeniably effective tool when it comes to countless ailments of our modern lifestyle. Rejuvenating and repairing the body, mind, and spirit, it is one of the most beneficial practices to re-emerge from the ancient wisdoms. Get in touch to learn more.


(and encouraged!)

We believe that yoga really is for everyone.

For us, practicing yoga isn't about being 'flexible' or fitting the body into a certain shape.

Each body is different. Each body moves uniquely.

And that is beautiful.

We offer the opportunity to learn the foundations of

yoga postures in a safe and personal environment so

you can focus on tuning in to the beauty of your body.

why 'santosha' ?

We take a different approach to all things wellness.

While physical strength and flexibility

are certainly part of the picture,

they are not the whole picture.

It's about learning to integrate the body and mind together in a healthy and harmonious way.

Santosha - a combination word in Sanskrit,

Saṃ (सं, सम्) meaning:

completely, altogether or entirely,


Tosha (तोष, तुष्, tuṣh) meaning:

contentment, satisfaction, acceptance, being comfortable.

Santosha (Sam+Tosha) = complete contentment


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